• QQ
  • nahooten@sina.com
  • 常州市九洲新世界花苑15-2









class Map {


        this.ctx = wx.createCanvasContext(canvasId);




        let _this = this;


            success: function(data) {




            fail: function(err) {


            },complete: function(data) {






    drawPillars(pillarList) {

        // this.ctx.beginPath();


        for (let pillar of pillarList) {






    drawPaths (pathList) {


        for (let path of pathList) {


            this.ctx.moveTo(path.startX, path.startY);

            this.ctx.lineTo(path.endX, path.endY);





    setOption(option) {







export default Map;



// pages/map/map.js

// const map = require('../../utils/map.js')

import Map from '../../utils/map.js';





    map: null,

    option: {

      pillarList: [


        x: 150,

        y: 150,

        width: 10,

        height: 10



        x: 150,

        y: 200,

        width: 10,

        height: 10



      pathList: [


        startX: 10,

        endX: 50,

        startY: 250,

        endY: 300,

        width: 10



        startX: 50,

        endX: 100,

        startY: 300,

        endY: 300,

        width: 5






    // 页面初始化 options为页面跳转所带来的参数

    // const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('myCanvas');

    // const ctx = map.init('myCanvas');

    this.data.map = new Map('myCanvas');

    // map.ctx.setFillStyle('red');

    // map.ctx.fillRect(10,10,150,75);

    // map.ctx.draw();

    // let pillarList = [

    //   {

    //     x: 150,

    //     y: 150,

    //     width: 10,

    //     height: 10

    //   },

    //   {

    //     x: 150,

    //     y: 200,

    //     width: 10,

    //     height: 10

    //   }

    // ];


    // map.drawPillars(pillarList);


    // let pathList = [

    //   {

    //     startX: 10,

    //     endX: 50,

    //     startY: 250,

    //     endY: 300,

    //     width: 10

    //   },

    //    {

    //     startX: 50,

    //     endX: 100,

    //     startY: 300,

    //     endY: 300,

    //     width: 5

    //   }

    // ];

    // map.drawPaths(pathList);

    // let option = {

    //   pillarList: pillarList,

    //   pathList: pathList

    // };





    // 常州平台运营页面渲染完成



    // 页面显示



    // 页面隐藏



    // 页面关闭


  start: function(e) {


      x: e.touches[0].x,

      y: e.touches[0].y



  move: function(e) {

    let xOffset = e.touches[0].x - this.data.x;

    let yOffset = e.touches[0].y - this.data.y;


      x: e.touches[0].x,

      y: e.touches[0].y





    for (let pillar of this.data.option.pillarList) {

      pillar.x += xOffset;

      pillar.y += yOffset;



    for (let path of this.data.option.pathList) {

      path.startX += xOffset;

      path.endX += xOffset;

      path.startY += yOffset;

      path.endY += yOffset;





上篇:上一篇:常州微信小程序开发-app.json 配置